Welcome Change Makers and Visionaries!

Lotus Vine Journeys offers an immersive Meditation, Yoga and Healing Ayahuasca Retreat.

Lotus Vine Journeys represents a fusion of two powerful ancient traditions: the Buddhist Lotus and the Ayahuasca Vine. By combining plant spirit medicine with Buddhist wisdom, we believe our retreats offer accelerated teachings to remember who you truly are. Through our powerful ceremonies, our guests are exposed to the power of Ayahuasca ceremony in a beautiful rainforest setting. Our loving and dedicated team of qualified teachers and experienced facilitators are there to help you through every step of your journey. We are there to provide meaning and support enabling you to process and integrate profound life-transforming experiences.

These retreats are designed for visionaries and Change Makers. Those who have a dream of creating a better world and are actively creating it. Teachers, thought leaders, activists, and dreamers all fit into this category. Those who have taken Bodhisattva vows to be of service and are dedicating their lives to helping humanity are a top priority.

We do everything we can to ensure that your time with us is balanced between connecting to yourself, connecting to others, and connecting to Pachamama. Your personal comfort, safety, diet, and daily itinerary are all carefully designed to create the perfect environment for a truly transformative journey within.


There are many things to carefully consider when choosing an Ayahausca retreat.
We want to outline four fundamental areas that were very important to us when founding Lotus Vine Journeys. We work hard to stand by them and continually improve.


Our retreat program, of 14 days with five ceremonies, is generally considered to be a lot of medicine for a short period of time. They are designed for those who want to 'do the work' and take every opportunity the plants afford for deep transformation. At Lotus Vine Journeys we put great care into your daily retreat schedule. Practiced over years of experience, we intertwine the intensity of ceremony with the need to rest, to explore, to stretch, to admire, to be, to process, to sing and to integrate. Our Ayahuasca retreats can be extremely transformative, and we know that such work also requires the need to experience stillness and solitude.

2. insight (body awareness) meditation

By combining plant spirit medicine with heart-centered, body awareness meditation practices (known as Vipassana in the Buddhist tradition), we are better able to support our guests in receiving an accelerated spiritual, emotional, mental and physical cleanse of their entire system. Regardless of faith, we have found that Buddhist psychology and practicing of these techniques throughout your Ayahuasca retreat assist greatly with the reconnecting and realignment with "source"  - the common goal of many ancient Shamanic traditions.


3. food & diet (VEGETARIAN/VEGAN)

There is a time-honored tradition of following a special diet to prepare oneself for the healing energies of Ayahuasca. There is a discipline and commitment that is called upon.  Lotus Vine Journeys places an enormous emphasis on providing you with delicious, fresh, nutritional and comforting food selections (both raw and cooked) that adheres to this discipline from a mostly vegan perspective (with the exception of eggs for breakfast). We have passionately instilled in the cooks at our chosen lodge a great pride in providing you with foods that open the potential of your journey inwards during your Ayahuasca retreat. 



Our organization, what drives us and what others have said.

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